Health N Wellness Rx

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Body Work & Contouring

Body Work & Contouring

Scarlet RF works on all skin types as the patented technology is based on radio waves, which is not affected by skin color. Please contact us for a free consultation to find out what the Scarlet RF System can do for you. Scarlet should not be considered if you are pregnant or lactating, have a defibrillator, metal implants, pacemaker, auto-immune disease, cancer, or skin disease, or if you are a Accutane user.

Key benefits:

• Treats scalp, face, neck, chest, abdomen, arms, inner thighs and knees. Safe for lips and eye area.

• FDA-cleared for skin tightening, scalp tightening, treatment of pores, scars and photoaging

• US and internationally patented in over seventy countries

• Safe for all skin types